I'm just going to put it out there, August was a rough month.
We had to explain death and dying to our precious little girl when Koda died. We miss her dearly.
Our dishwasher went haywire. Not exactly tragic, but it took almost two weeks for the ordered part to come in and I had to hand wash all of our dishes. I hate dishes. And our washing machine went a little psycho, but Jonny was able to fix it...Thank God!
After spending nearly 2 weeks in the hospital, Big Popa passed away. We had to explain funerals to our baby girl. She is so sweet. At one point during the funeral she looked up at my crying mom and said, "It's okay Kiki. I'll take care of you." He is definitely missed. Alyssa often talks about going to heaven with God and the angels and Big Popa.
It was a very hot month, forcing babies inside and everyone to go crazy.
But, thankfully, it ended on a wonderful note. My baby girl turned 3!
And she had a fabulous Christmas themed birthday party!