Friday, December 7, 2012

Sibling Love

"James, will you be my husband forever?"  I overheard Alyssa ask James this question one night.

Jonny and I decided long before we ever had children that we wanted a big family.  We wanted our children to have someone else.  A person to witness their lives, share secrets, fight with occasionally.  Someone who knows what it is like to grow up in the same house. 

For the longest time I got to be their friend, their playmate.  Now they want to play by themselves.  I get to be the assistant occasionally.  I get to find things or fetch missing items.  For the most part, they just want each other.  It's bittersweet.  I imagined my kids playing happily together.  Laughter filling the house.  I just didn't realize my part would be so short.  I am excited for the future.  I can't wait to see their relationship to develop and how others will fit into their dynamic. 

Now I will just sit back and enjoy the laughter.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Cute Crazy OCD Children

Alyssa is a great eater and generally eats almost everything we give her.  However, she must have one utensil per food category.

James is not my great eater.  It's hit or miss.  He'll eat everything on his plate one day.  Give him the exact same meal the next day and he won't touch it.  I got him "space" goldfish because he loves stars and moon and space.  He only ate the orange "regular" goldfish.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's not going to get better.  It's not."  Dr. Suess

Alyssa got The Lorax for her birthday.  It is a super cute movie and played often at our house.  I also, of course, used it as a teachable moment.  We need to appreciate and love the Earth.  We must take care of it because it won't last forever.

I saw a project on Pinterest.  You cut open a small pumpkin, fill it with soil, and let it grow.  The seeds are already inside.  Then, when the pumpkin starts to rot you plant the whole thing.  It's a biodegradable pot.

Honestly, I didn't have much hope.  I've killed almost every plant I've tried to grow.  No matter the outcome it was something fun to do with the family.  Super cool bonus we will have our own pumpkin vine.

Well, it's growing!  I'm very excited to see how this will turn out and the kids love to help.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Love Affair with Lysol

It all started with a high fever.  Friday night when Jonny and I checked on babies before bed we noticed James was on fire!  Saturday morning it wasn't much better and nothing was bringing it down.  He told me his ear hurt.  That was all I needed to hear.  We were off to the urgent care clinic.  Diagnosis:  red throat and ear infection.  Got a prescription for Zithromax and we headed home to heal.

Sunday afternoon we notice James has the most severe diaper rash I've ever seen.  Poor baby bottom!  We put cornstarch in the bath.  Keep him dry and clean in big boy undies.  And lots and lots of cream and paste.  We figure it's a side affect of the antibiotics. 

Monday he has broken out on his arms.  Great, he's allergic to zithromax.  I call the pediatrician and we can see her partner at 11.  I go in with my hypothesis of allergy or hand foot and mouth disease.  I tell the Dr the whole series of events.  I'm told to never go to hose urgent care clinics because they are full of "quacks" and he has no ear infection.  Zithromax also isn't the proper antibiotic anyway.  New diagnosis:  impetigo.

Automatic new source of anxiety.  Impetigo is awful blister-y rash caused by either strep or staph.  I worry it is going to be a horrible case of antibiotic resistant staph.  We get a prescription for amoxicillin and head home to heal again.

Tuesday morning Natalie has her 6 mos check up.  6 months already, I know!  It goes by way too fast.  Anyway, luckily (I guess) we have an appointment with our pediatrician so I take James along for a third opinion.  Our pediatrician looks him over.  Grabs her little light.  Gets right up in there.  Final diagnosis:  hand foot and mouth disease.  I was right! It's caused by a virus.   Stop all antibiotics.  Just  try to keep him comfortable as enormous blisters erupt all over his body.  Oh and try to keep Alyssa and Natalie from catching it.

Thus, started my love affair with Lysol.  Alyssa did get it (we think).  Very mild case.  Sore throat and one blister.  She's still eating, drinking, and talking as much as ever.  So far we believe Natalie is safe except for inhaling the cloud of Lysol I've been spraying everywhere.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fun Times

My little computer got sick.  It was very tragic.  How was I going to keep up with my world on facebook?  How was I going to stalk pinterest for new ideas I'd probably never get around to trying?  Most importantly, how was I going to blog?

Answer:  my fabulous husband got me a Samsung Galaxy II tablet.  I love it!  I just have to figure out all the blogging tricks.

Here's where I'd insert cute pictures of my kiddos!  If I could only figure out how...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Birthday James

Bubba is 2.  Honestly, I was ready for this birthday.  He acts like a 2 year old.  He's so big and so funny.  We love him!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Men Behind the Mom

I truly believe that every person we meet can impact our lives.  For example, today a man helped wheel the giant double stroller out of the waiting room while I tried to help Alyssa move out of the way of the closing door.  The simple act of kindness reminded me to pay it forward.  The woman yelling at her daughter at Target reminded me to try to be a little more patient with my little people.  There are so many people who influence me. Here are just a few of the boys.

My Dad.
I will admit, I am a total Daddy's Girl.  He's a gentle giant.  I always felt safe and protected with Dad around, yet his lap was my favorite place to sit and read a book.  It definitely helps that we are bibliophiles.  Our love of learning will mean we will never run out of things to talk about.

My Brothers.
Tony, Chris, and Drew are truly 3 of my greatest friends.  They are the only ones who know exactly what it was like to grow up the same way I grew up.  We have decades of shared memories.  I can absolutely say they are my friends and not just my brothers.

My Husband.
Jonny is an insanely wonderful husband and father.  Sometimes I think he is just insane, but the crazy ones are the fun ones.  He has taught me that everyone has a story that should be heard.  The "creepy" homeless guy may end up being a very missed friend (John Henry).  He also taught me to trust myself.  The "creepy" homeless guy may be a creep and to run away.  We love to have adventures together. We love to laugh and enjoy life.  We love our family.  Our life has its ups and downs, but it's a great ride.  It is perfect for us.

My Son.
James is my little man.  He is fearless and funny.  I love watching his little brain work when he figures something out.  I love his inquisitive mind.  I love how he tries to be so big.  He is so different from my girls.  He is stingy with his kisses, but gives the best hugs.  I find myself missing him when he goes to sleep at night.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby Girl is 5 Months Old!

5 Months. 5 Favorite Pictures.
(plus a bonus newborn pic because she's so stinkin' cute)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Alyssa's Birthday Interview

1.  What is your favorite color?  yellow
2.  What is your favorite animal?  monkey
3.  What is your favorite book?  that monkey book in my room
4.  What is your favorite toy?  Mollie and Harmonica (monkeys)
5.  What is your favorite fruit?  strawberry
6.  What is your favorite TV show?  Lazy Town
7.  What is your favorite thing to wear?  pretty dresses
8.  What is your favorite song?  Call Me Maybe
9.  What is your favorite game?  Operation
10. What is your favorite drink?  Sprite
11. What is your favorite holiday?  when Daddy doesn't have to go to work
12. What do you want to be when you grow up?  hair cutter
13. What do you want for your birthday dinner?  cupcakes
14. What is your favorite dessert?  cupcakes
15. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  play with Ian
16. What is your favorite movie?  Zookeeper
17. Who is your best friend?  Ian
18. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  going to the movie theaters
19. What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  stay home
20. What is your favorite place to go on vacation?  El Paso

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympics 2012

Paper chain symbolizing the Olympic Rings.

Olympic Torch.

James didn't want a torch.  He wanted a telescope.

Gold Medals.

Our crafts.

Tea party sandwiches.

Sorry, yall!  In Texas we have iced tea.

Shot put.



Fish and chips.

Team USA cookies.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

A couple of weeks ago it rained every single day.  No, not rained, stormed!  That meant that all outdoor activities came to a screeching halt.  After a couple of days kids go stir crazy.  We did venture out a couple of times, but getting soaked loading 3 kids in the car is not my favorite.  Instead we did a "craft with glitter" (very big deal for Alyssa).

Played "Let's see who can roll a ball into the square taped on the floor."

And finally we went venturing for puddles to splash in.  Strangely, there weren't nearly as many as I had hoped for.

T. Rex!

I'm a tyrannosaurus.  I'm the biggest dinosaur in the Cretaceous forest.

Gonna romp and stomp around.  The biggest dinosaur in town.

Tyrannosaurus Rex!  Roar!!!!!

*The above is part of a song from Dinosaur Train on PBS.  James is a little obsessed with dinosaurs right now.  I probably sing the T. Rex song 10 times a day.  He picks up his dinosaurs one by one, lines them up, then stomps his foot while I sing.  He also MUST sleep with dino blankie every night.*