Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Cute Crazy OCD Children

Alyssa is a great eater and generally eats almost everything we give her.  However, she must have one utensil per food category.

James is not my great eater.  It's hit or miss.  He'll eat everything on his plate one day.  Give him the exact same meal the next day and he won't touch it.  I got him "space" goldfish because he loves stars and moon and space.  He only ate the orange "regular" goldfish.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, it's not going to get better.  It's not."  Dr. Suess

Alyssa got The Lorax for her birthday.  It is a super cute movie and played often at our house.  I also, of course, used it as a teachable moment.  We need to appreciate and love the Earth.  We must take care of it because it won't last forever.

I saw a project on Pinterest.  You cut open a small pumpkin, fill it with soil, and let it grow.  The seeds are already inside.  Then, when the pumpkin starts to rot you plant the whole thing.  It's a biodegradable pot.

Honestly, I didn't have much hope.  I've killed almost every plant I've tried to grow.  No matter the outcome it was something fun to do with the family.  Super cool bonus we will have our own pumpkin vine.

Well, it's growing!  I'm very excited to see how this will turn out and the kids love to help.