Alyssa's best friend is Ian. This is incredibly lucky for me since my best friend happens to be Ian's mom. We watched Ian and Evan while their parents went to a wedding. They were going to get back late so we would need to put them to bed at our house. Instead of waking them up in the middle of the night to go home we decided that since everyone was sleeping peacefully they'd just stay the night. James was in his crib. Evan was in a pack and play in Alyssa's room. Ian and Alyssa slept on the futon in the play room. Don't worry, Jonny made sure there was no funny business. Alyssa was so excited Ian and Evan slept over. They played until I made them lay down and they woke up playing. It was fun. She wants to have 'another sleepover' every day! My favorite part was when we took all of them to a birthday party and someone commented on how well behaved our 4 children were :) While I loved having two 3 year olds, a 2 year old, and 1 year old for a little while I don't know if I could do it every day.
Eating pizza watching a cartoon. |
Eating waffles in the morning. |
Good thing Jonny was there! Looks like they had a great time.