Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Monkey is a Fish!

Alyssa completed her 2nd summer of swim lessons at the YMCA. 

Also, one of her new favorite snacks is olive fingers.

James's Top Ten at Ten Months

1.  Baby James loves to eat (even non-food items).

2.  He has 2 teeth with one more starting to come through.
3.  Crawls way faster than is sister ever did.
4.  Likes to cruise with Dottie in the pink stroller.  I say he's taking his lady out for a walk.
5.  Enjoys watching sports with daddy.

6.  Absolutely adores and idolizes Alyssa.
7.  James's favorite sign is "all done."  He's "all done" eating.  "All done" getting his diaper changed.  "All done"  getting his face wiped.  "All done" being forced to ride in the car seat.
8.  Loves to play in the water (especially the dog's water).

9.  Gets oohs and aahs everywhere we go.  He is so stinkin cute!
10.  Growing too big way too fast.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

Every year on the 4th of July my family meets in the small German town in Texas Hill Country named Round Top.  The entire town (all 90 people) their friends and family get together and have a parade.  Once the parade is over there is a BBQ.  It is fun for all.  Most importantly, it's tradition.  Now we get to share this with my children.   Alyssa calls it "the parade for America's birthday."  I love it!