Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Comes to an End

The whole month of December I was excited.  It's Christmastime!  That means Christmas decorations, Christmas cookies, Christmas songs. Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!  The whole time I have blogs planned out in my head, but not one gets written. 

You will see our tree that looked like it was decorated by preschoolers because it was!  The OCD Christmas lover in me wanted to fix it.  The mommy in me didn't.  I wanted Alyssa and James to know they did a great job.

We celebrated St. Lucia Day.  My grandfather is Swedish.  On December 13th, what used to be the shortest day of the year, the oldest daughter would dress in a white gown with red sash and a crown of candles.  She wakes up early and serves her parents breakfast in bed.  I love things that are tradition and I want to share this with my kids.

We spent Christmas in Plano with my family.  For weeks leading up to Christmas Alyssa would pray fir snow.  It was forecasted that there would be a light dusting.  I crossed my fingers.  Any snow would delight my little girl.  Plano ended up with 3 inches!  It was a wonderful white Christmas.