Sunday, July 29, 2012

Olympics 2012

Paper chain symbolizing the Olympic Rings.

Olympic Torch.

James didn't want a torch.  He wanted a telescope.

Gold Medals.

Our crafts.

Tea party sandwiches.

Sorry, yall!  In Texas we have iced tea.

Shot put.



Fish and chips.

Team USA cookies.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

A couple of weeks ago it rained every single day.  No, not rained, stormed!  That meant that all outdoor activities came to a screeching halt.  After a couple of days kids go stir crazy.  We did venture out a couple of times, but getting soaked loading 3 kids in the car is not my favorite.  Instead we did a "craft with glitter" (very big deal for Alyssa).

Played "Let's see who can roll a ball into the square taped on the floor."

And finally we went venturing for puddles to splash in.  Strangely, there weren't nearly as many as I had hoped for.

T. Rex!

I'm a tyrannosaurus.  I'm the biggest dinosaur in the Cretaceous forest.

Gonna romp and stomp around.  The biggest dinosaur in town.

Tyrannosaurus Rex!  Roar!!!!!

*The above is part of a song from Dinosaur Train on PBS.  James is a little obsessed with dinosaurs right now.  I probably sing the T. Rex song 10 times a day.  He picks up his dinosaurs one by one, lines them up, then stomps his foot while I sing.  He also MUST sleep with dino blankie every night.*

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Swim Lessons and Sprinklers (lots of pics)

It's summertime in Texas.  We have triple digit heat way more often should be possible in one month.  Kiddos need to cool off.  This means lots of water activities and for the kids of a water safety cautious mama it means swim lessons.